Trop picks: Bird's Nest Fern
Exploring parallels between the bird's nest fern, a vascular epiphyte, and apartment-dwelling homo sapiens.

Stop complaining about your lawyers
Maybe your lawyer isn't that bad after all.

Conspicuous consumption
An appreciation of the Mughal wine cup.

Sori Yanagi's pedestrian bridges are anything but
Sori Yanagi was obsessed with bridges, specifically the ugliferous blights that would greet his eyes every time he exited the Osaka train station.

Trop picks: Flowers of the universe
We look at designs from traditional culture as part of a series on symbols of love that are not the ubiquitous heart.

Fearless: Ken Tsai-Lee
If I had to use one word to describe Ken Tsai-Lee, "fearless" would be it.