Do You Hate Standing in Line?

Apparently, so does Minsuk Cho, Columbia University- and Rem Koolhaas- trained starchitect helming the firm Mass Studies. Hated it enough that when designing the Korea Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo, he decided that there had to be a better way.Honestly, isn't this what innovation should be about? Not creating new things that we never knew we needed but doing away with the little irritants.And so, Cho created a beautiful waiting area for visitors to the Korea Pavilion, filled with art and even boasting a stage for performances.  Think of it as an amped up version of the toys in your kid's paediatrician's waiting room.Cho's inspiration came from the public spaces under large concrete highways in Seoul, Korea, where young and old happily while away the hours with their comrades. Why should such moments of conviviality be confined to designated areas like restaurants or clubs? Any space where people come together is an opportunity to create bonhomie. And voila! Behold the queue, transformed. 


Tomato Tomato


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